Living Creative

a series that IgnitEs crucial conversations about Modern creativity.

“I feel like my job is to raise questions, rather than to provide answers, because I don’t have answers.”
-Excerpt from This Much is True by James Quinn

This film ignites crucial conversations about modern creativity: How do we harness it for our benefit, not just for consumption? It explores the aspects of an individual’s creativity while challenging traditional career definitions and spotlighting resilience, empathy, and unique perspectives.
There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to creativity. Like freelancers disrupting the 9-5 corporate model, our docu-series will break from traditional formats. While each vignette follows a standard outline, it adapts to its subject, employing local DoPs or exploring new media as needed.

Behind the Scenes

It’s more than just making a film, it’s about human connection.

One of our main goals for this documentary is to build new relationships. We don’t want to just show up, shoot, and leave. We want to create shared experiences. Shared meals. Shared stories. And leave with one more person we’ve connected with in this world.